Merry Christmas From Heaven ® Gifts are given by funeral and bereavement directors
who understand just how difficult the Christmas season is for the families they serve.
We would like to thank all of the funeral directors and bereavement directors who share
Merry Christmas From Heaven items with the families they serve.
If you are not familiar with our “Gift Giving Aftercare” program we would love to send you our brochure. Just click on this link and give us your email address or physical address and we will send a brochure to you. Our “Gift Giving Program” is designed to fit within every director’s budget. We hope we can become part of your aftercare program by helping you comfort your families during the Christmas season with the words of Merry Christmas From Heaven ® “The Song” is wonderful at bereavement services or offered to your families for their private service. Our 8 x 10 cards can cards can be personalized with either your family name or that of your funeral home.
a most wonderful person who now spends each Christmas with Jesus.